Feed grade magnesium sulfate
Time:2024-04-11 14:07


Product features:

1. Promoting growth. Magnesium sulfate provides magnesium and sulfur elements that can promote metab

olism in aquatic animals, increase food intake and growth rate.

2. Enhancing immunity: Magnesium sulfate can regulate the ion balance in aquatic and animal bodies, enha

nce immunity, and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Product advantages:

1. Improve water quality. Magnesium sulfate helps to neutralize the acidity and alkalinity of water, prevent e

xcessive or insufficient acidity and alkalinity, and thus maintain a good water quality environment.

2. To prevent and treat diseases, magnesium sulfate can be used to prevent and treat aquatic animal diseas

es such as fixed ciliasis, especially in the cultivation of crabs and shrimp.

3. Magnesium sulfate, as an efficient algal removal agent, can effectively control the growth of algae in water

 by affecting their photosynthesis through its toxicity.