Feed grade magnesium oxide
Time:2024-04-11 13:37


Product features:

1. Magnesium oxide provides magnesium to animals, which helps to enhance their immune system and 

improve production performance.

2. Magnesium oxide has the characteristics of high purity and small particle size, which can be fully absor

bed and utilized by animals to improve feed utilization efficiency.

3. Adding magnesium oxide appropriately can effectively improve the weight gain rate and wool to wet ra

tio of poultry and livestock, and increase meat, egg, and milk production.

Product advantages:

1. White powder, odorless and tasteless, with good chemical stability and less likely to react with other sub


2. High bioavailability, improving the production performance of poultry and livestock, and protecting the 

health of the digestive system.


1. It is recommended that professionals control the dosage to avoid adverse reactions caused by excessiv

e addition.

2. During storage, avoid contact with moisture and other chemicals, and keep dry and ventilated.