Chemical fertilizer for poultry and aquatic
Time:2024-04-11 14:39

1. Organic fertilizers mainly include poultry manure, animal and plant residues, straw, etc. These substances 

can be used as fertilizers after certain treatments. Among them, poultry manure such as chicken manure 

and duck manure contain rich organic matter and nutrients, which are important sources of poultry and a

quatic fertilizers. They can provide nutrients and organic matter, promoting the growth of aquatic animals 

and plants. When using, it is recommended to evenly sprinkle feces in the aquaculture water to avoid exc

essive concentration and avoid adverse consequences caused by local excessive concentration.

2. Chemical fertilizers are fertilizers made using chemical methods, such as compound fertilizers, urea, etc.

 These fertilizers contain high concentrations of nutrients and can quickly provide the necessary nutrients 

for aquatic animals and plants. However, when using chemical fertilizers, attention should be paid to contr

olling the amount and frequency of fertilization to avoid excessive fertilization causing water pollution an

d diseases.

When using poultry and aquatic fertilizers, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following points: first,

 control the amount of fertilization to avoid excessive fertilization causing pollution and diseases; Secondly, 

pay attention to the timing and method of fertilization, and apply fertilizer reasonably according to the siz

e and water quality of the aquaculture water body, as well as the needs of aquatic animals and plants; Final

ly, pay attention to the water quality to ensure that the use of fertilizers does not have a negative impact o

n water quality.

In addition, there are also some new types of biological fertilizers, such as probiotics, which can promote t

he growth and immunity of aquatic animals and plants.